Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm Back!

I came back late Sunday afternoon with Mr. Blair, Nathan and the Braddocks from the Rio Grande Missions trip! It was a lot of fun. I got to babysit some of the little ones during which time, Addy, David, Genevive and Ethan decided that they liked me. Ethan and I were kind of off to a rough start though. He wasn't too happy about being left in the nursury while his mom went off to work. He kept picking up a toy that sort of looked like a hammer and running out the door with it saying, "I need to go help Mom." After he discovered that escaping would be impossible, he pulled one of the little chairs up to the door, looked out the window and called, "Mom, HELP!" After calling for mom three times and discovering that it was useless he tried Celeste's name. After he gave up all hope of being "rescued" he settled down to running all over the room showing me all the cool things he could do with all the toys. Once Genevive woke up from her nap he got even happier 'cause I let him go out into the fenced in playground. By the time Mom came to get him he was actually smiling at me.
Both David and Genevive chose me over their sisters at least once during the day, and Addy just enjoyed the excessive amount of toys.
That was pretty much my day. I didn't really do anything else and to be honest, I don't feel like I was really that useful at all. But it was nice to be with the church family and I REALLY enjoyed singing with Cheyenne for the first time since we've become friends. We really need to do it more often.
Nathan and Josh's skit was hilarious. I hope Shelley or someone video taped it.
Some of the younger kids did their own skits, they did really well. Their Psalty preview was classic.


Cheyenne said...

Well I am glad that you got back safely!! I also really enjoyed singing with you! I also hope to read your comments on MY BLOG!!!!!!! I just did it so it is still a work in progress. See you sunday!

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

You should post some pics of you grad. party!

Hannah DeL

Born to Dance said...

I do plan on posting pictures once I get them from Mom. I was hoping to have a video to put up too but I don't think Mom got out the video camera. Oh well.