Sunday, July 13, 2008


So I kind of need to post on here. So much has happened this week.
On Monday, I got into an accident. I pulled out infront of a lady who was going down Bandera rd. Nobody was injured but both cars were really smashed up. It wasn't a nice experience at all. The next morning I discovered slight muscle soreness in the side of my neck, in my upper right arm and in a muscle over my hip. It wasn't too bad, but the muscle soreness in my neck combined with a sore throat and aching jaw (because of my TMJ) made my head pound for three days straight.

On Wednesday morning I woke up with a low grade fever. Remember that sore throat I mentioned a few lines up? Yeah, it turned into strep and tonsilitis. Fortunately it only took one day for the doctor to call back so I was able to get my antibiotic called in quickly.

Saturday, at about noon, we got a call from Opa letting us know that Oma was on her way to the hospital with chest pains. I, Dad and Opa waited in the ER waiting area for about ten minutes, and then got taken to the Cardiology waiting room and stayed there for about an hour before the doctor came in and told us that she was going to be okay. Apparently, she had suffered a heart attack caused by three blockages in one of the smaller arteries on the right. The doctor put stents in all three areas and then they moved her to CICU where she is right now. Through this ordeal we hope to be finally successful in convincing Oma that the fat is not "the best part"!

This morning, I got to go to church! Mandy and Mom stayed home. I guess Mandy couldn't stay far enough away from me, she has a fever of aproximately 103.2 . She's slept a lot today, and I don't blame her. She's not going to be the easiest patient when the real throat pain starts though. I hope mom will let me help with her. Mom is already very worn out.


Cheyenne said...

oooo poor mandy!! Wow your family has been through so much, in such a short amount of time. I will be praying for you guys!